How to Understand the Relationship Between the Profiles, Examples, and Code Libraries
The hierarchical relationship between the Navy xAPI Profiles, Code Libraries, and Content Examples.
IMPORTANT/PLEASE READ: The permanent/persistent URL for the Navy xAPI Library is Please only use this URL when referencing or linking to the library. The URL will currently redirect to, but this site is only temporarily used to render and host the resources. Do not use the URL for referencing or linking to the Navy xAPI Library. Please only use
The hierarchical relationship between the Navy xAPI Profiles, Code Libraries, and Content Examples.
A complete, searchable listing of all Navy xAPI Profiles. This handy resources enables developers to quickly scan for xAPI events in one document.
Options for tracking general types of activities with xAPI are defined in the Navy Common Reference Profile. All of these common activities can be reused in several different types of content.
Includes asynchronous, self-paced, self-directed content such as interactive courseware augmented with multimedia and accessed from inside or outside the LMS.
Includes tracking requirments for knowledge-based assessments, feedback surveys, and scenario-based performance assessments. These profiles can be also reused with other profiles that have assessment requirements.
Includes tracking performance support for job or workplace tasks at the point of need or tracking support in the learning process, such as electronic study aids.
Includes tracking general types of simulation content and provides guidelines for extending xAPI to support unique simulation trainers.
Includes tracking general types of video interactions using an HTML5 video player and .mp4 videos.
Includes several reusable code libraries and content examples to make implementation easier.
General requirements and sample language that should be included in all xAPI content acquisitions.